What is The
Holiday Gift Shop?
The Holiday Gift Shop is a complete in-school holiday shopping program for kids, that is easy for you, and fun for your students! At the shop, your children will have the opportunity to buy quality kid-priced gifts for family and friends, all in the safe environment of their own school. They will learn the importance of saving their money, and will be able to plan their purchases in a positive learning environment.
• Free Shipping • No Up-front Costs •
With your shop, you will receive a gift line of over 100 unique gift items (with all-new items every year), plus free marketing materials, gift wrapping, direct phone support, and much more. You get to determine your own selling prices and profit margins, and you only pay for the gifts you sell, once your shop is over! Any unsold gifts are returned to us for free.
The Holiday Gift Shop gives children a first hand experience of the joy of giving. So don't be surprised when even your youngest students show more interest in giving their gifts than receiving their own!
Our school recently enjoyed its first ever holiday gift shop. The looks on the children’s (and teachers’) faces were priceless when they walked into the shop for the first time. It was amazing to see how much thought the children put into each and every gift. They beamed with pride with their newly wrapped packages to take home and share with someone special. Thanks for your ongoing support. We can’t wait to have The Holiday Shop back again next year!
Over 100 Unique Gifts!
Your shop will include a gift selection of over 100 unique gift items, including toys, plush, fashion jewelry, keepsakes and much more!

What You Will Get:
Everything Tailored to You
We work with your school to determine the right amount of gifts to order, based on the number of students you have. Every year we have a completely new gift line, so there's always an abundance of choices for your students to pick from.
Gifts for the Whole Family
We have a wide selection of gifts (over 100 all-new gifts each year!) tailored to appeal to every member of the family. Many of our gifts are personalized for specific relatives, make it easy for your students to find the perfect gift for their loved ones.
Free Materials Galore
We provide you with everything you need for a successful shop free of cost, including detailed instructions, promotional materials, gift wrapping, shopping bags, tablecloths, gift-planner envelopes, and much more.
No Up-front Cost
There is no upfront cost — you pay only for the gifts you've sold, after your gift shop has been completed. We pay the shipping to and from your school, and everything aside from the gifts comes free with your shop!
Step-by-Step How-To Videos
Making your upcoming holiday Gift Shop a success is our top priority. Along with our promotional guide, step by step program guide and direct phone support, we now have a set of easy to follow tutorial "How to videos" to guide you through your holiday gift shop experience!
What Schools are Saying about the Gift Shop:
Every year I am totally amazed at how the children react to the gift shop. We live in a rural community and this is a really big deal for the kids because they don’t get into town everyday, so they really look forward to getting all their gifts for family and friends at the gift shop. The kids here save for quite a while as they all know what is coming up in December! It is one of their favorite events of the school year! We all think the merchandise gets better every year, and we have a great time unpacking the boxes and checking out the wares for the gift shop. We really appreciate the service that you provide for our school. Thank You!
“My daughter was so excited to give us the gifts she picked out.”
“My kids loved getting to pick out their own gifts for us.”
“The prices were very reasonable.”
“My kids are so excited to do this again next year!”
“My son wants me to wear my necklace every day. So sweet!”
— Various Parents
This was our first experience with a Holiday Gift Shop through Fun Services and we couldn't be more impressed with the customer service and products that we received. Our Santa Shop is a BIG event at our school and with switching over to Fun Services for our gift inventory we sold out three times over! I was personally very impressed with the quality and variety in the products for retail. We will definitely be re-ordering come next Fall!
— Natalie Franklin, PAC President

Apply Now for the 2025 Holiday Gift Shop
Join with schools across Canada who have made the Holiday Gift Shop a yearly tradition for over 35 years.
Are you a returning school or have questions about the program? Send us a message or call us during regular business hours at 1-800-665-5656.
For schools who are new to the Holiday Gift Shop, please complete the form below and we will contact you to explain how the program works.
Please complete the form below
What do I need to do to join?
If you are interested in having your school join the Holiday Gift Shop, contact us at 1-800-665-5656, fill out our application form, or send us an email.
How does the shop work?
We send you all the products, marketing material, gift wrap, take-home flyers and other materials you need to run your shop. You sell as much product as you can, return the rest and only pay for items sold! We’re just a short phone call away all through your shop to help with any issues that may arise.
What are the timings for the contract and shop?
Ideally, schools will complete and submit their contracts before May 15th of each year in order to receive an early signup bonus. We will continue to accept schools into the program based on available space, on a first come first serve basis.
When do the products arrive?
Each year we are open to having shops operate from the middle of November to the middle of December. We start shipping out products to schools as early as the first day of November. Depending on your shop date we try to have all your items at your school two weeks before your first shop day.
How much are the products sold for? How much money does the school make?
We will send you over 100 different products ranging from less than a dollar to $15 on cost. We leave it up to the school to decide how much profit they would like to make on their products. We suggest a minimum markup of at least 10%, but some schools will markup 20% or more.
Do we get to choose the items? Is there a catalog?
We do not have a catalog for you to choose from each year. Each year we have a new gift line, and we will send you all the items we have in our lineup.
How much product will we receive?
We will send you an amount of product based on the student population of your school. We will also use our historical data and sales information that your school can share with us like bookfair or school sale events. Every year we will adjust this amount and we will send you 25% more than we think you can sell so that you don’t run out of gifts for your students to choose from!
What if we do not sell an item?
There is no need to worry about unsold products. You will simply return the items to us at the end of your shop and will not be charged for any of them.
What do we do with missing, broken or problematic items?
There is no need to worry about missing, broken or problematic items. Just keep track of these items, and at the end of your shop we will remove them from for the final bill.
What if we run out of a specific item? Can we reorder?
We send a wide variety of items and if a specific item runs out, there should be a suitable substitute within the rest of our line. If a student wants a specific item that is no longer available at your shop, the school can place a reorder for specific items that will be shipped at a later date. This reorder is treated as an outright sale and items will be added to your final bill. Depending on your location and the timings of your shop, this reorder may not be feasible.

If you need a copy of the Holiday Gift Shop contract, download it by clicking the button below.